
Custom Claims & Role-based Access Control (RBAC)

Custom Claims are special attributes attached to a user that you can use to control access to portions of your application. For example:

"user_role": "admin",
"plan": "TRIAL",
"user_level": 100,
"group_name": "Super Guild!",
"joined_on": "2022-05-20T14:28:18.217Z",
"group_manager": false,
"items": ["toothpick", "string", "ring"]

To implement Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) with custom claims, use a Custom Access Token Auth Hook. This hook runs before a token is issued. You can use it to add additional claims to the user's JWT.

This guide uses the Slack Clone example to demonstrate how to add a user_role claim and use it in your Row Level Security (RLS) policies.

Create a table to track user roles and permissions

In this example, you will implement two user roles with specific permissions:

  • moderator: A moderator can delete all messages but not channels.
  • admin: An admin can delete all messages and channels.

-- Custom types
create type public.app_permission as enum ('channels.delete', 'messages.delete');
create type public.app_role as enum ('admin', 'moderator');
create table public.user_roles (
id bigint generated by default as identity primary key,
user_id uuid references public.users on delete cascade not null,
role app_role not null,
unique (user_id, role)
comment on table public.user_roles is 'Application roles for each user.';
create table public.role_permissions (
id bigint generated by default as identity primary key,
role app_role not null,
permission app_permission not null,
unique (role, permission)
comment on table public.role_permissions is 'Application permissions for each role.';

You can now manage your roles and permissions in SQL. For example, to add the mentioned roles and permissions from above, run:


insert into public.role_permissions (role, permission)
('admin', 'channels.delete'),
('admin', 'messages.delete'),
('moderator', 'messages.delete');

Create Auth Hook to apply user role

The Custom Access Token Auth Hook runs before a token is issued. You can use it edit the JWT.

Enable the hook

In the dashboard, navigate to Authentication > Hooks (Beta) and select the appropriate PostgreSQL function from the dropdown menu.

When developing locally, follow the local development instructions.

Accessing custom claims in RLS policies

To utilize Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) in Row Level Security (RLS) policies, create an authorize method that reads the user's role from their JWT and checks the role's permissions:


create function public.authorize(
requested_permission app_permission
returns boolean as $$
bind_permissions int;
select count(*)
from public.role_permissions
where role_permissions.permission = authorize.requested_permission
and (role_permissions.role = (select (auth.jwt() ->> 'user_role')::public.app_role))
into bind_permissions;
return bind_permissions > 0;
$$ language plpgsql security definer set search_path = public;

You can then use the authorize method within your RLS policies. For example, to enable the desired delete access, you would add the following policies:

create policy "Allow authorized delete access" on public.channels for delete using ( authorize('channels.delete') );
create policy "Allow authorized delete access" on public.messages for delete using ( authorize('messages.delete') );

Accessing custom claims in your application

The auth hook will only modify the access token JWT but not the auth response. Therefore, to access the custom claims in your application, e.g. your browser client, or server-side middleware, you will need to decode the access_token JWT on the auth session.

In a JavaScript client application you can for example use the jwt-decode package:

import { jwtDecode } from 'jwt-decode'
const { subscription: authListener } = supabase.auth.onAuthStateChange(async (event, session) => {
if (session) {
const jwt = jwtDecode(session.access_token)
const userRole = jwt.user_role

For server-side logic you can use packages like express-jwt, koa-jwt, PyJWT, dart_jsonwebtoken, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer, etc.


You now have a robust system in place to manage user roles and permissions within your database that automatically propagates to Supabase Auth.

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