Getting Started

Build a User Management App with Next.js

This tutorial demonstrates how to build a basic user management app. The app authenticates and identifies the user, stores their profile information in the database, and allows the user to log in, update their profile details, and upload a profile photo. The app uses:

  • Supabase Database - a Postgres database for storing your user data and Row Level Security so data is protected and users can only access their own information.
  • Supabase Auth - users log in through magic links sent to their email (without having to set up passwords).
  • Supabase Storage - users can upload a profile photo.

Supabase User Management example

Project setup

Before we start building we're going to set up our Database and API. This is as simple as starting a new Project in Supabase and then creating a "schema" inside the database.

Create a project

  1. Create a new project in the Supabase Dashboard.
  2. Enter your project details.
  3. Wait for the new database to launch.

Set up the database schema

Now we are going to set up the database schema. We can use the "User Management Starter" quickstart in the SQL Editor, or you can just copy/paste the SQL from below and run it yourself.

Get the API Keys

Now that you've created some database tables, you are ready to insert data using the auto-generated API. We just need to get the Project URL and anon key from the API settings.

  1. Go to the API Settings page in the Dashboard.
  2. Find your Project URL, anon, and service_role keys on this page.

Building the app

Let's start building the Next.js app from scratch.

Initialize a Next.js app

We can use create-next-app to initialize an app called supabase-nextjs:

Then install the Supabase client library: supabase-js

npm install @supabase/supabase-js

And finally we want to save the environment variables in a .env.local. Create a .env.local file at the root of the project, and paste the API URL and the anon key that you copied earlier.



App styling (optional)

An optional step is to update the CSS file app/globals.css to make the app look nice. You can find the full contents of this file here.

Supabase Server-Side Auth

Next.js is a highly versatile framework offering pre-rendering at build time (SSG), server-side rendering at request time (SSR), API routes, and middleware edge-functions.

To better integrate with the framework, we've created the @supabase/ssr package for Server-Side Auth. It has all the functionalities to quickly configure your Supabase project to use cookies for storing user sessions. See the Next.js Server-Side Auth guide for more information.

Install the package for Next.js.

npm install @supabase/ssr

Supabase utilities

There are two different types of clients in Supabase:

  1. Client Component client - To access Supabase from Client Components, which run in the browser.
  2. Server Component client - To access Supabase from Server Components, Server Actions, and Route Handlers, which run only on the server.

It is recommended to create the following essential utilities files for creating clients, and organize them within utils/supabase at the root of the project.

Next.js middleware

Since Server Components can't write cookies, you need middleware to refresh expired Auth tokens and store them. This is accomplished by:

  • Refreshing the Auth token with the call to supabase.auth.getUser.
  • Passing the refreshed Auth token to Server Components through request.cookies.set, so they don't attempt to refresh the same token themselves.
  • Passing the refreshed Auth token to the browser, so it replaces the old token. This is done with response.cookies.set.

You could also add a matcher, so that the middleware only runs on route that access Supabase. For more information, check out this documentation.

Set up a login page

Login and Signup form

Create a login/signup page for your application:

Navigate to http://localhost:3000/login. You should see your login form, but it's not yet hooked up to the actual login function. Next, you need to create the login/signup actions. They will:

  • Retrieve the user's information.
  • Send that information to Supabase as a signup request, which in turns will send a confirmation email.
  • Handle any error that arises.

Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE)

Upon sign up, an email will be sent to the user with a unique hash code. This key can then be sent back to the application for verification, thus authenticating the user. The method is referred to as Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE). As we are employing PKCE in our authentication flow, it is necessary to create a route handler responsible for exchanging the code for a session.

In the following code snippet, we perform the following steps:

  • Retrieve the code sent back from the Supabase Auth server using the token_hash query parameter.
  • Exchange this code for a session, which we store in our chosen storage mechanism (in this case, cookies).
  • Finally, we redirect the user to the account page.

Account page

After a user is signed in we can allow them to edit their profile details and manage their account.

Let's create a new component for that called AccountForm within the app/account folder.

Create an account page for the AccountForm component we just created

Sign out

Let's create a route handler to handle the signout from the server side. Make sure to check if the user is logged in first!


Now that we have all the pages, route handlers and components in place, let's run this in a terminal window:

npm run dev

And then open the browser to localhost:3000 and you should see the completed app.

Bonus: Profile photos

Every Supabase project is configured with Storage for managing large files like photos and videos.

Create an upload widget

Let's create an avatar widget for the user so that they can upload a profile photo. We can start by creating a new component:

Add the new widget

And then we can add the widget to the AccountForm component:

At this stage you have a fully functional application!

See also